Blower door testing is a way to test the "leakiness" of your home. By depressurizing your home and measuring the rate at which air infiltrates through imperfections in the building envelope, we're able to assess how much energy (and money) is escaping through air leaks, and how much you're likely to save by fixing those leaks.

As part of this process, we will inspect the house with a smoke stick to pinpoint potentially hidden air leaks (making it much easier to address them when the time comes to get to work). We also offer blower door testing as an isolated service to test the effectiveness of improvements that have been made to a home, and to provide homeowners and contractors with a roadmap to further improve a home's efficiency moving forward.

In addition to being a critical component of a whole house energy audit, blower door testing is required for many green building and energy efficient building standards nationwide.

For more information about blower door testing, or to schedule a free phone consultation today, contact us here!

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Tom & Pat J., New Richmond, WI

Thanks to St. Croix Energy Solutions, Xcel Energy, and New Richmond Utilities, we are happy to submit a recommendation supporting the energy saving actions they suggested and provided. The energy analysis, the insulation work done by St. Croix Energy Solutions, the rebates offered by Xcel and NRU made this a smart move for us. We have seen decent energy savings during a hard Wisconsin-Minnesota winter. This is only the second time I have ever submitted a testimonial statement like this.  Believe me when I say, again, thanks to you all for encouragement, services, and financial incentives offered to make this happen! We hope these programs continue so consumers are... (read more)